*22 December 2008
1234hrs met Hot Didi at DG Mrt coz we wanted to
go to Plaza Singapura to celebrate our bday :D i was
early n hungry so we went to KFC to eat. while queuing i
wanted to say "Toasted Twister" but i accidentally said
"Twisted Toaster"!. Lol... Lol... when we were eating she
said that i should cut my hair n wear a skirt n hairband to
sch coz i wld look damn pretty [omg she used e word "damn"!]
Lol... Lol... then e rest of e conversation was like this:
E'zzati Said: Lol... Lol... haha dont want...
Didi: WHY?~
E'zzati Said: pretty is not what i aim for!. mwahaha ;)
Didi: HA~ then what do you aim for?~
E'zzati Said: haunting. *grins mischievously*
Didi: *asked really innocently* what?~
E'zzati Said: HAWnTing!. [HAWT+HAUNT=HAWnTing]
Didi: HMPH!.
Lol... Lol... so yah. that, n hotdorkanista!.
went to daiso n spotlight but was let down.
catched up on e gossip n schlife n boys n jokes n
things n boys. i know, i typed boys twice.
Lol... Lol... haha Gong D n Seun'g Ti!. :D
went to Mcd n i bought my dessert choice.
stayed n talked at DG MRT, then i left coz
i was meeting Hot Mum, Nyai, Im, n Nabs at
AMKTC. was still early so i went to amk lib.
woo hoo hotdorkanista all e way!. :D
so then i just met em at e AMKTC Pizza Hut :D
when discussing what to order Hot Im asked
"eh, tu maggi eh?!." n me n Hot Nabs cldnt
stop laughing!. Lol... Lol... he meant pasta XD
then e PHuteress asked him if he wanted his
ice cream "together or after?." guess what...
it came BEFORE!. not tgt, not after, BEFORE!.
Lol... Lol... XD so me n Hot Nabs laugh agn.
then i think e PHuteress paiseh ald coz after
that e PHutMger served us. but he also lousy,
anyhow say my bstix is cinammon!.
Hot Iman actually asked for Apple Juice lol :)
n his icecream is so lame lah!. Lol... Lol...
oh saw this retro car it's sooo cool!. Lol... Lol...
*23 December 2008
went out with Hot Mum to AMKTC. met Hot Wak K,
then walked ard AMK Hub, then went to Banquet.
met Hot Wak Lan n Rasyidin :) joked, then Hot Mum n
i went to This Fashion coz i wanted a new dress :D
found some funnyones as a fashionjoke but didnt buy.
i found 2!. yay me punk-aHAWnT-ass!. :D
Dress #1: brown. i know. BROWN!. but i like it~
Dress #1: rose pink, custard yellow, mocha brown.
so random right!. but they were e best finds so i
got both :D cant wait to wear em!. ask me out!. :D
then i finally went to AMK Lib. it was kinda
empty, got some nice bks but i was too lazy to
carry some so ima come back another day :)
*24 December 2008
reached ITE Clementi at ard 1013, n only
Ms Aisha n Joanne was there!. woo i was e
1st to arrive!. Lol... Lol... when i entered e
1st thing that Joanne did was tapped my head at
e fringe there!. Lol... Lol... *pulls a dollface* X)
when everyone reached we warmed up, practiced e
1st song. e girls went out to practice. they said i was
kinda flat so i was like "oh, ok" coz i also know n
paiseh ald. when i reached hm i recorded myself in e
same way i practiced n it was SUPERLEMAU!.
Lol... Lol... so now i paisehlah!~ Ms Aisha just asked
me to do my homework before next session :) after
that we practiced e 2nd song, which i felt more
comfy with coz i grew up listening to it!. YAY :)
n of coz, i didnt sound as LEMAU as before!. Lol... Lol...
after session i followed VDGHotties Liyana, Ashraf, n
Muhammad to eat at foodcourt coz Ying Qi wanted to
eat at LJS but Clementi is LJS-free -_-" Lol... Lol...
i was really hungry!. e lemon tea is pathetic!. RAWR.
btw. for e 1st time ever, i was e 1st person to finish!. :D
e other 2 girls were eating prata [in their own world] then
VDG Ashraf started "disturbing" em!. Lol... Lol... he asked if
they wanted him to help em tear[?] their prata into
smaller pieces coz they were eating slowly. guess what!.
in end HE WAS E LAST PERSON TO FINISH!. Lol... Lol...
im so sick~ now. i wna cook somein that will warm me up
but i cant think of anything!. i keep thinking of desserts n
cold drinks!. pluss!. i still hvnt found my souljacket yet... :(
it rained alot today. must be Singapore's version of snow.
global warming what... Lol... Lol...
lastly!. another reason why this post is
called mynightmarebeforexmas is
bcoz recently i keep getting nightmares!.
its usually ard 0800hrs so after that i
dont feel like sleeping back. weird!.
Love xoxoxox Nebs