went to Dahtaran Pahlawan for awhile!.
i like e word PAHLAWAN!. like cool hahaha :)
finally found Dry Pisang Salai!. or wtv it is
called. left 1 packet only!. DAMMIT.
its not as dry as i like it tho. but wtv. anw,
otw back e airon in e car stopped working!.
DAMMIT DAMMIT!. Lol... Lol... oh well i wanted
some MCR for my bday!. but not like this!. X)
anw, some random photos of e hols. my
final camwhoring moment with my long fringe.
i love e lighting in this pic n how emo i look haha :)
L: A LOUSY LOGO!. i tot it was LPINE SPORT.
as in ler-pine, or l-p-ine. it's ALPINE!. sheesh.
Lol... Lol... so lame but 3outta5 ppl tot so too.
M: KINDERJOY!. a new version of Kinder Surprise!.
takes some getting used to, but it beats Kinder Surprise!.
R: how e inside looks like. also, there's actually like
cookie/wafer/biscuit pieces innit so it's more like
Kinder Bueno than Kinder Surprise. i was kinda shocked n
super excited when i saw it n bought it for e 1st time.
e petrolcashier tot i was crazy!. Lol... Lol...
what a weird n messed up vacation!. i kinda
like how twisted it turned out to be tho. heh.
RAWR!. kinda looking forward to sch reopen!.
Lol... Lol... Cheers :D TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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