HAHA!. replaced e musictab at e right column
coz imeem is giving me problems :) it's now
"INTIMATE 'LIL SECRET!.", where i'll update
bits of secrets [n thus, e name "'lil secrets" -_-"]
of myself in case i cant give you a proper update :)
"intimate", coz it's inspired by Hot Didi's recent
post "Intimate Note" :) tot it's a cute idea ;) also
decided to make it rhyme, for fun as inspired by
e movie Check It Out Yo!~ XD might stay forreal,
but we'll see how it goes. chchch checkitout!~ :D
woke up n suddenly rmbed abt e unfinished
cadeau -_-" haha previously Xlm Andre suggested
putting "X" since it means collaboration n i diddit
with glitterglue :D e neongreen pen that i bought
was waterbased, so yeah cldnt do much with it XP
finished just nice in time n blahblahblah at
Amk Mrt it rained!. like hilariously rained!. yes,
theres sucha thing. L1: maybe bcoz on e hills[?.]
at AmkPark [?.], there were COCONUTS rolling
down!. seriously damn funny. e Brits hv their
Rolling Stones, we hv our own Rolling Coconuts!~
i know, lame, but quite funny if you were there in
person. anw, walking to sch met HottIes Fir, Natasha,
Zahrina, n Liyana :) L2: sat beside HottIes Liyana at
e mini bluegrandstands there n chatted n caught up
with each other :) R1: HottIes Firdaus "according to
statistics, most of our ushers r smallsized." HAHA XD
R2: HottIes Colin "runners, pls be physically fit."
HAHA XD got our roles for e days :D ended early n
saw that BishanStud is used, so we were wondering ;)
went back to B208 to get e rest, Xlm Damian came
with e key n time to session!~ :D a few days back
i was like asking him to "wear a striking polotee",
so after we sat he asked me "was it striking enough?.",
to which i said yes, n he replied "so it was up to your
expectations?." HAHAHA XD more ppl came, talk2,
recap!. :D at e scratches part was quite funny. we
[mainly HottIes Poo, Xlm Sirtong n i] were happily
listing all out until e last one which we cldnt rmb X)
suddenly e coldness of e rm got to us so we
changed seats haha :D Mr KF kept asking if anyone
wanted to go up n try e scratches on e ttables.
like duh!~ haha was really tempted but e sounds
were still loading inside my brain so yeah. talk2,
in e end Xlm Damian went 1st. HAHA XP finally
someone went :) was all up n ready to go next n
it was time for brk -_-" Xlm Juju at me "you lose
weight uh, your pants dropping." E'zzati Said: yah,
n i lost my belt too :( blahblahblah, back to e beats!. :D
okay more like e chirp scratch!. yah, i know, e one
that i totally cannot do -_-" Mr KF said he'll buy
e person who can do it a drink. Xlm Damian went
1st, no drink. Xlm Andre went, no drink. my turn!. :D
haha i kinda managed to someimes get it someimes
dont :) then HottIes Poo, then XLd Shafiq went :) while
XLd Shafiq was doing it HottIes Poo kept saying to
me "your competitor. competitor, competitor." -_-"
scratch game!. :D kinda, haha X) okay so we had to
guess what scratches Mr KF was doing. it was
chirp tear, but for some weird reason, i actually
said baby tear. as in cry tear pronounciation rofl XD
e 1st rd no one got it right, so we all had to do a
forfeit: pull ears n do 5 half squats. HAHAHA XD
rd 2!. :D HottIes Poo went 1st n got wrong, it was
tranform baby n im correct so he had to a forfeit
for me!. HAHAHA XD i had a hard time thinking of
what i want him to do. Xlm Juju asked me to kiss
him, but i didnt want so i immediately said dance!.
thru his vinyls n went "argh, no sexy music~" HAHA XD
i made him do Nobody dance, which he only did
HALF -_-" it was funny anw HAHAHAHHAHA XP
rd 3!. :D 1st person was Xlm Sir Tong, n of coz
he got right at 1st guess. chirp, crab, transform :)
talk2, somehow i think e conversation was abt
prata[?.], haha then question time :D so i asked,
n i was like scribbling his response down in hopes
that one fine day when i'll need it i'll happen to
come across it :D e rest asked questions, more
questions, n... more questions!. :D brk, then
moved on to beatjuggling :D was seperated into
2grps, n Team 2: HottIes Poo, Xlm Damian,
Amanda, n Gladys :) we were supposed to plan
what for our shot during e last 30mins of freestyle.
i wrote down some stuff for memories [haha] in
hopes that at another fine day i'll see it n be able to
recount e whole incident with the exact soundtrack
in my head XD ooh. saw Xlm Amanda's awesome
bracelet, which i totally love n camwhored with :D
doesnt really suit coz it's superchunky n heavy as
opposed to my tiny wrist, but i love it anw ;) gna
hunt for somein similar ;) R: time to beatjuggle!~ :D
before i knew it everybody else in Team 2 tried, n
Mr KF went "okay, get back to your seats." kinda
suddenly, Xlm Amanda points at me n went "she?."
HAHA i didnt notice i hvnt had my go!~ [i was
paying attention okay] so i went n everyone else
went back to their seats!. wah rabak leave me alone
there n watch as if i knew what i was doing. HAHA XD
PRESSURE, YOU KNOW!~ haha 1st try was okay, did
ard 2times. then got to know my "problem", n went
agn. did more times, until 1pt when i was like thinking
"how long more do i hv to do this?.", n i lost count n
messed up. Mr KF was like "you do many rds ald.",
then he showed us e next step to beatjuggling -_-"
dammit cld've tried it just now!~ -_-" ha i wonder
why i didnt think of it :( freestyle!. :D XLd Shafiq went
before me n he got e "UHH YEAH" so i asked for it too
["catfight" haha X)] also got e FunkShitUp record :)
after awhile Mr KF came n i ended with a high pitch
"OOOH!~" HAHAHA XD it was so funny, i hv no
idea where it came from haha XD what's even
funnier was that Xlm Juju n some of e rest actually
imitated e sound. HAHAHA XD Mr KF said if it's a
2syllable sound must alternate within e grid -_-"
ha i wonder why i didnt think of it too :( then he
switched back to "ahh" n asked those who hvnt
do to do. e battle betw XLd Shafiq n i isnt over!. XP
talk2, Mr KF gave us links, more questions, talked
abt what's next, questions agn, "summary" haha XD
a-thanka-you/bday cadeau giving time!. HAHA,
Mr KF asked who made it n e rest all pointed at me -_-"
talked2 abt e probability of ever meeting agn n
that "dont hesitate to say hi, i will rmb all your faces."
HAHAHA XP was hving a micro-conversation with
Xlm Juju n i told her that i wna take a pHOTo with
Mr KF n she immediately went "she wants to take
L: yah i even camwhore with his cap haha :D
R: last grp pHOTo, taken with my cam'ekal :D yelled
"EVERYBODY ACT DOPE!~" n everyone laughed n
didnt pose so Mr KF said "okay everyone point to
e camera~" n, TADAH!~ HAHAHA XD love it ^^ \m/
grp pHOTos, Xlm Damian's cam!. :D
when i wanted a pHOTo, e boys laughed at me, in e
end [LC:] HottIes Poo n [RC:] also took!~ HAHA XD
ELEH!~ act shy2 only, laugh at me but the also
XLM DAMIAN'S CAM!. :D i still rmb, this was during
e freestyle session when i cldnt get e sound in my
head out n was tryna do it via telepathy?. HAHA :)
n partly keeping an eye on e cap haha :D at e left
is Xlm Sir Tong inspecting my every move haha :)
i rmb, i wanted an "eheheh" sound HAHAHAHA XD
finish!. walking it out [haha] guess what i saw!. 8D
N: haha i took this pHOTo n e rest tot i was
crazy, there were like "do you hv to take pHOTos of
EVERYthing?~" HAHAHA XD LS: so this is where
they went!~ ^^ \m/ RS: i was like freaking happy!~
i mean, it's like they double self-tagged!~ :D altho,
they put it up e wrong side ard n my name appeared
as "itazz'e" instd, to which e boys said it sounds like
"italy"!. :D cant believe it's up n at e wrong way XD
and you wld think that since they're from library club,
they'd be smart?, hahaha oh e irony XD HAHA ^^ \m/
took Mrt back coz wanted to get hm quickly n
type abt e fawesome day haha :D L: camwhored with
e F1 ad along e way :) R: fastbreaker!. :D Hot Dzul n
Fadz dropped by today n they gave me a [literally]
in-my-face performance!~ damn cute!. XD then i
slept till 2200. semi-sweet dreams~ rofl ;)
THANKS HOTTITE Ms Joanna++ for e awesome
workshop opportunity!~ :D all we want [for now]
is a set of ttables n e rest of equipments :D
THANKS Mr Dj KoFlow++ for coming down n
everything!~ :D enjoy our "cadeau" haha :D
[by Dj KoFlow] Cheers!. ;D TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs