4 SEPTEMBER 2009!. :D
E'zzati "Event-anista" Reporting!.
woke just nice :) missed train but ended up early.
only 11 HottIes souls, so we joined with IEU :)
bus leaves at ard 2. L1: HottIes Liyana n i got e
front seat!. haha -_-" L3: plant pruning at bke exit,
tot e word pruning is funny coz sounds so...
farmville?. haha XD e only nice song e bus had
was Dancing In The Moonlight. haha X)
quite a long ride. semi-sleep, camwhore a bit,
[Xlm Damian in e bckgrd haha], n enjoyed
HottIes Shima's n Farah's funny commentary XD
L: they covered the whole building with...
algae?. haha i know it isnt but nvm. n e
"gantry" was nice, very local touch haha XP
R: HottIes Genthryn has an ugly doll!. HAHA XD
queued for dno what, they played Fire Burning so
HottIes Liyana, Poo n i dance2 outside haha XD
as published online by HottIes Sufiyan, [haha]
"E'zzati wanna play with something, liyana say
biler mau game? I say let's play a love game" XD
i was getting bored!. there wasnt enough guns n
bombs to my liking X) if you know what i mean ;)
L1: i tot e balloons r cute :) R1: e 3rd Generation
Army. i think it's lame. like "REM: The Next
Generation" lame. L2: e soundtrack was quite
nice tho. R2: n e miniatures r very awesome.
kinda reminded me of Beetlejuice, haha :D
L: I LIKE THIS ONE!. then an old man told his
son "this r all e normal trucks~" -_-" like nooo~
haha it's a SIGNALS truck. for e PRECISION INFO.
how coincidental!. haha XD C: they had a
dress-up station too :D i dno what happened to
e rest of e pHOTos, but they're overdue. R: took
this pHOTo n HottIte Mr Zaidi saw me n said
"alamak, here got big helicopter you take picture
with this one!~" haha XD i like e spelling?. :)
there was a huge fan. aah, wind~ :D
L1: went to e Army not-so-Megamart :) reached n
e performance was over -_-" sat n waited a bit
in case Dharni pops out, but he didnt -_-"
R2: haha, e bus like got accelerator rofl XD
yeah, that was it. not many gd freebies, didnt
even finish half of my available hphink memory.
kinda dead, but just generally boring -_-"
L: bought at AmkHub, exactly 9bucks :)
LN: Hot Dzul!. he was actually doing e Cadbury
Eyebrow thingy haha X) NC+R: boiling took
longer then i tot n i made this :) so even if
i end up hungry, at least i hv somein to make
somein nice to wear with somein :) right.
S: okay so e flavours n everything was totally
unbalanced, altho it tasted quite yummy :)
that is, if you know what i mean.
Cheers!. ;D TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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