HAHA!. woohoo, im [kinda] getting e groove of
blogging back!~ :D this wk is a rather long
wk, so be prepared to scroll alotLOT!. HAHA XD
anw, hope your holidays has been awesome so
far, here's a somein-somein to smile abt!. :D
see if you can headbang without your songkok/
tudung falling rofl joking X) coz i can!. :D
*mon 3Aug
checking our temperatures :) reached early so
sat at waterfallyer for awhile n chatted with
random HottItes -_-" L: KOP comes to Asia talk
by Mr Paul Masefield!. :) so he was there to
share with us abt organizing sports events.
i forgot to wear my necklace :( random haha.
somewhere in betw it just got quiet n he was
like "r there no Liverpool fans here!." rofl XD
after that went to e cteen n NDsongs were
played, which included those "remixes" -_-"
most of e HottIes were feeling unwell, so we
got outta there :) R: found a blackbutton!. :)
went to Juncti8n Mcd to lunchize n discuss :)
bumpercars into HottIes David otw back n
Liyana chose to go hm -_-" SW2!. had to
choose betw gym or captain's ball. -_-"
R: GREEN TEAM!. :D won!. HAHA :D
L: BRK!. :D haha -_-" C: i love my socks!. :)
while eating HottIes Resi pointed out that
H1N1 n NDP contradicts each other, "they
say dont congregate, then they say come tgt,
make up their mind!." HAHAHAHA XD R: DSG!.
i signed up to be e 1st to present on thu13Aug
["Thursday The 13th]:) n HottIes Kokbeng n
Faris gna be e "opening act" on e 12 X)
L: "warpaint"!. X) LC: cheerleader club!. X)
bumpercars into Hot Im otw back :) R: e
Oreo Cookie was pasted[?.] e wrong side!. XD
DSG!. HottIes Khairi peeped at my desktop,
so we chatted abt Arctic Monkeys rofl XD
following classes were cancelled, so hm!. :D
Mrted n HottIes David asked me "hows your
de-gine?. [as de-JAIN]" HAHAHA so Poo n
i kept laughing at him XD L: i didnt know
Hello Panda had this flavour!. :) R: saw this
in Berita Haria. this female mediaperson
[i think?.] got caning punishment coz under
"Article 152 Law Of Sudan" she "melakukan
perbuatan cabul yg melanggar prinsip moral
awam atau memakai pakaian yg tidak sopan",
as in she wore somein that is considered
indecent to e general public. guess what
NOT INDECENT!. okay hv to admit, kinda
unglam, but e clothes werent even like,
tight-fitting or see-through n she still
had to go thru e punishment. SO LAME!.
L1+R1: shopping for e love of labels!. ;D
L2+R2: e crew kept asking me if i wanted pearls,
n if "e pearl this one can uh?." HAHA!. e pearls
were red!. so cute!. XD also, Hottie Zrn texted
me somein to look forward to :) ^^ YEZZAH!~
a cockroach climbed up my leg -_-" e 1st
bus that i took had a driver that looks like
Wallace + Gromit, e Wallace's gf!. HAHA XD
just missed 2 88buses. then e 88bus driver
looked like Wallace!. HAHAHA XD DSG!. gave
HottIes Raynard e $, then he said "plus
10dollars class fund." HAHA!~ after that
HottIEs Amrit gave out e tickets!. L: tot
that e "perforated"[?.] part thingy was
kinda cute?. C: attendance warning letter!.
DSG [96%], IEP [93%], LPD [83%]!. not bad
i suppose :) at 1pt my paper kinda flew away
n slowly fell down, n HottIes Farah was like
"mcm harry potter!." rofl XD aftrsch went to
Juncti8n to find a farewell card to give to
Ld Mr Casey, saw this nice one but was $8.30!.
haha, also R: NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU!~ X)
last resort!. card were either not nice or
overpriced, so i came up with this!. L: bought
3 postcards for $2 :) C: then i [somehow]
attached em tgt!. XD haha i even drew him on
e envelope!. XD he probably nv received sucha
thing in this entire existence on Earth X)
LD!. tried e accessories!. :D R: colorcolor ;)
somewhen during session i did this heartshape
thing, n LDj Sylvest taught me this starthing!.
so cool!. haha ^^ wish i tot of it 1st. he
also said my drawing "like evil" rofl XD
was hungry so bought hotdogs from e cteen,
4 for $1 :) after session he told us he gna
"meet his friend", so Ld Marlin n i disturbed2
him, n he was like "it's a guy lah!~" n then
he shows us his friend's picture n Ld Marlin n
i both went "he like... quite cute only!~" XD
haha, inside e bus i was listening to 987fm, n
Ros n Shan Amped was on. since e day is Wednesday,
they were playing songs that starts with e letter
W!. so they played What's My Age Agn, Where's
E Love, n... What I Go To Sch For!. :D at hm
realized that i left my pen inside BishanStud :(
anw!. Electrico's just awesome :) watched e
ND MV, cute!. :) it's 1 of my all time fav
local songs, n definitely top few NDPsongs :D
how abt you?. haha, i believe it so i see it ;)
woke up at 1600!. i've rested for more than
8hrs, almost a new record for me!. WORLD,
im back :D nothing else happened today ;)
dropped hphink, 5th time!. :( L: Hot Im found
my bnessman babymilo tee!. :) C: finally i
approve of what he's wearing... coz it's
MY shirt!. HAHA XD 12DEC!. :D R: love this
shirt still, came with an amazing bargain :)
BishanInt!. bumpercars with Hot Didi, she
kinda shocked me!~ woohoo, usually im e one
who shocks her rofl XD L: was pretty much
punctual!. :D R: Ray's Movie Marathon!. X)
while waiting outside HottIte Mr Lendra was
walking ard, so i asked him what he was up to
n he was like "i looking for pledge!~" -_-"
S: was bored so doodled on e board [rhymes] :)
slowly e rest started to come, so we chatted
abt how most Singaporeans wld actually go
overseas during ND holidays!. haha, ironic :)
then we got bored so HottIes Sufiyan called
HottIes Jason [who dropped out within e 1st
few wks of sch] to wish him happy national day!.
HAHA XD went to cteen, got back just in time
for e HottIte Cc NDvid!. :D L1: You'll see
that nothing's gonna stand in your way!. :)
R1: LD!. dancedance :) L2: i tot this was
very cute!. gd idea rofl XD R2: Money No
Enough 2!. :) laughed till cried, but in e
end just cried?. -_-" quite touching~ :')
after that went with HottIes David, Poo, n
Fir to find food!. almost everywhere was full,
ended up gg to Amktc's Banquet, where we
bumpercars with Hot Nabs [+friend Kenshini] XD
i didnt notice her at 1st, but HottIes Poo kept
saying "your sister there." HAHAHA XD -_-"
L: steamed chicken rice!. :) R: we Said so!. :D
decided to go to AmkLib. otw i gave em some
NDP tattoos rofl XD before entering we had
a random pHOToshoot suggested by me rofl XD
R: btw, even e cd had "National Day 2009 AT
ITE COLLEGE CENTRAL" printed on it, tot it's
kinda cool!. like real like that X) n im
glad to hv my fingerprints all over it :)
THANKS HOT DAD!. :D L: tot e decoration is
nicer this time rd :) C: i took a whole
chunk :) R: FAMILY!. :D last but not least,
AYGuy Faisal still owes me e photos!. :(
woke at 6am -_-" i've recovered!. :D
my remedy works!. ^^ haha, watched
Okto's One Minute Of Fame, my favs won!. :)
chatted with HottIte Izzatie, n i brought up
her project title, n she started laughing n
saying that my vision is sharp to e extend that
i can see her project from e next blk ;)
it's e power of e "ZZTs"!~ X) ^^ then she told me
that that time she waved at me i was like blur like
that n she tot it was e wrong person rofl XD so
i told her i didnt know who was waving then i was
"thinking2", "oh yeah!.", n that i actually said
"hi izzatie" at normal volume n that a HottIes asked
me why i was saying hi to myself hahahahah X) n she
haha-ed n replied "normal volume plak tu!!!" X)
then she added that she dont actually recognise ppl
thru pics", "but wen i saw u i noe its u" n "must
be the name" HAHAHA XD agreed!. ^^ ZZT FTW!~ \m/
L1: saw this n was kinda shocked!. was thinking
of ;) R1: looked at e "big picture" haha X) -_-"
L2: tot e candle's kinda cute!. :) C2: found my
extremely old songbk!~ HAHAHA ;) R2: accidentally
spilled PVA glue on my rm floor!~ -_-"
i liked Suhaimi + Mark Lee's hosting X) also
like how e whole event is in Chapters, n it's
like "in" e audience :) haha, wah, on ND e
Merlion puked more rofl XD anw, there was this
"Kallang Wave" race agnst a moving vehicle at
e track below, n Hot Dad said in e preview e
motorcycle crashed -_-" haha, also tot it was
funny when "hoi mat palah pachipachi" XD at
1pt e question was "what will you defend?.",
n i think that nobody in e vid answered to e
question!. XD also loved e "When I Grow Up"
video animation segment, n e boy who said he
wanted to be president was adorable rofl X)
disliked e part when Gayle sang, but it's
just me :D back to like, tot e torches were
really pretty!. :D n e part when they said
that Singapore has like almost everything, n
1 of e commentators asked his other commentator
"where else can you find this?." which i tot was
sooo true!. only internet i think :) e orbs n
floats were cute too :) Electrico, awesome \m/ ^^
also liked e "Stand Up If You're Singaporean" part,
catchy rofl XD at 1pt e female commentator said
"hell yeah!~" HAHAHA i didnt know that can be
said rofl XD but tot that was cute also :)
L: love this boxes idea!. :D C: e part that i
dropped out from :( R: tot this "futuristic game"
idea is cute!. :D anw, just love e stage set,
e "eye"[?.], but especially e boxesgrids!. :D
somewhen Hot Wak K+Wak Lan left, n Wak K was
like complaining how her sportsshoes r ald
spoilt, so i replied "wah, wak hardcore
jogger uh~" rofl XD SI 3!. haha, i like e
part when they went to e streets to find ppl
to audition rofl XD hope this time there'll
be a localdude for me to like rofl XD
MOTS: WHAT DO YOU SEE!. ;) Cheers!. ;D TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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