Overseas Family Outing IV 2009!. :D
18-22 Jun 2009!. :D
Langkawi, Malaysia!. :D
PART 2: 19 JUNE 2009!. :D
oh yeah!. if you keep drinking alcohol, it will kill you!. :'(
today i switched to Mmc #2, n decided to REALLY SAVE
Sony for trip back :) went to e hotel's Dayang Cafe for
bfast, i tot it was DaESUng Cafe at 1st n got myself
confused why e it has a kname rofl XD L: be creative,
drink oranguava juice!. haha soon after i realized that
it's not as thirstquenching as tea. they only had ice
apple n peach tea [wth!. tea-cist!.], so i resorted to
2 HOTTEAS heehee "my lips like Equal~" Lol... Lol... X)
Langkawi Cable Car!. "wish you were here... up here"!.
Lol... Lol... that was their tagline, hahaha *sings* dontcha
wish that you were here, up here!~ rofl XD so yeah!.
decided to be sporting, which is more like accompany
Hot Dad as he overcomes his paranoia n to test
Hot Nabs's own... i dno what rofl XD -_-"
C: hey, mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you... XD
damn lame, so we faked fear XP
check out e difference!. haha L is like so village-ish,
then R is like Star Trek-ish!. Lol... Lol... how ironic :)
if e cable car went in circles it might've confused us rofl XD
L: whoever that gets this "cable car" is so sad!. rofl XD
haha n we managed to catch e same cable car to n
back!. Lol... Lol... hahahah "fated" HAHAHH -_-"
JAMBATAN GANTONG!. *inside joke* rofl XD
L1: cool huh!, they also hv a "Rock Name" haha
R1: haha!. some of e caricatures were damn funny!. XD
R2: e sign was funny also!. Lol.... Lol.... X)
L2: tried my hands on vlogging!. :D woohoo haha ;)
we were singing Linking Park's Numb in e cable car,
when i took L n tot that it looked kinda cool!. as if e
line leads to nowhere!. haha we were still singing when
i took R, n tot that it was funny coz we went from
village to Star Trek to cliff hahahhahahah X) -_-"
e whole ride was funny coz i get to laugh at em
freaking out, "za, pls dont kick eh!.", "eh you go in last k"
haha you should watch e vid yourself rofl XD warning tho,
most of e film is just Hot Im doing weird stuff without realizing
he's being recorded!. Lol... Lol... asked HotParents for some
kdrama action, which turned out more like indon!. XD -_-"
finally landed back to earth [-_-"] :D R1: bought a
'lil batik purse coz it's turquoise n not really that floral!. :D
also finally get to try Baskin Robbins ice cream!. :D
so yeah!. not only we were above it all ["Air Force"], we also
be somebody ["Navy"]!. Lol... Lol... XD L1: Tanjong Rhu River!.
taking pictures using temporary hphone [Hot Im's exhphone]
still takes some getting used to coz im so used to portrait
from my hphink!. anw!. e "Captain Mat" was cool enough with
us that he let us steer e boat!. 1st time i steered forreal ;D
L2: calling e eagles there!. fed em fried chicken skin X)
there was one big extra one it's a differrent species it
will sit on a tree before it eats, civilized rofl hahaha XD
went thru this Mangrove Swamp place thingy, saw
lotsa 'lil crabs n they were damn colorful for a crab!.
haha X) also met a pregnant monkey hahahhahah X)
L1: tot e scarf was cute!. rainbow~ hahaha XD R1: went thru this
2 rockthingys n Hot Mum was feeling2 Grand Canyon rofl XD
L2: more mangroves!. -_-" R2: DashBoat Confessional!. X)
L1: Crocodile Cave!. no buayas tho rofl XD by this time,
Hot Nabs looked like she was gna die!. -_-" n!. i lost my
favourite brooch :( went pass this villageshack n there were
some shirtless guys n they suddenly like damn high n
were like flashing their catch of e day [fishes haha] to us XD
at e other that were panicking n putting on their lifejackets n
everything!. Lol... Lol... XD so yeah!. we were all stuck in a 'lil
shack with some other ppl, n things got mendak so we
planned to leave e place n boat back to... jengjengjeng!. X)
this floating rstrt called Hole In E Wall!. i hate how my
Vans were wet :( took quite a long time for our food to
arrive but was nice to finally hv some hot food!. :)
Hot Nabs claimed that she wasnt hungry but in e end
she ate e most!. after eating we got to know that e bill was
RM200+!. damn ex uh, poor Hot Dad!. -_-" haha he was
like "Hole In The Wall?! more like Hole In My Pocket!." rofl XD
Bat Cave!. e tickets were damn cheap!. haha coincidentally,
Hot Nabs was wearing e Batman shirt n e mkcikperson saw
nabs wearing batman shirt n laughed X) C1: she even lent us
a huge torch!. L2: there were lotsa bats innit!. X) C2: we were
looking at this monkey n it looked at us back, smiled n then it
$hitted!. Lol... Lol... -_-" inside e cave Hot Dad was like
"watch your head~" so i replied "doesnt concern us!." haha,
there was 1pt where he even had to kinda crawl!. XP also,
happened to bump into this newlyweds n helped each
other take pictures n Hot Dad didnt know how rofl XD
R: when we reached e end of e cave we realized that e
Captain Mat had organised[?.] lifejackets on our seat!.
hahaha cute!. Lol... Lol... "e glaring neon signs~" ;D
dimelo?!. Captain Mat found my lost brooch just now!.
Lol... Lol... anw, since we didnt see Keluangman, i got
inspired, n did e Tiongman look!. rofl XD HAHAHAHA -_-"
L: KILIM GEOFOREST PARK!. hahah at 1st i read it as
"KILL 'EM" rofl XD -_-" we went further out to e sea but
due to e haze we cldnt see Thailand -_-" anw, saw quite
a few islands so we were like feeling2 Survivor!. Lol... Lol...
looked ard for sharks but there wasnt any, but!. ;)
L, green arrow: SHOE ISLAND!. haha like excited like that!.
e name sounds nice ald, hahaha X) C: Hot Im suggested that
i should go there n draw e line [as in e silver line] on e island
myself!. Lol... Lol... X) all e way Hot Nabs was listening to
Davaj Davaj, n i had this mental pHOTo in my mind!. ;) ^^
reached e pit [wtv it's called haha], n got to know that e
Captain Mat's name is Zazali aka A-O or somein liddat haha.
it's kinda cool that he kinda personalized e tour for us, but
they charged us quite high tho :( after that we moved on n
went to Langkawi Craft Complex!. L: "MAGIC OVENIC" haha
okay e name was so lame but i wanted to get it hahaha X)
C: so Hot Nabs's!. hahaha YAY Langcreamo Supremewi!. XD
so yeah after drawing, put it in e oven to shrink n harden it :)
e shopmkcik saw n was like "buat sendiri ke aper?." as in
ask me if i created e character myself, then she was like
"GANAS!." which kinda means like "VIOLENT!." HAHAHA
i know, very fierce right!, RAWR RARR RARR!. XD \m/
L: end product!. this means e most to me coz e shop closed
13mins later :) R: it symbolizes e whole trip n how much
i dont intend to go back to e country anymore :D after that
Hot Dad, Nabs n i went to sit outside e toilet n while waiting
we camwhored, then a security guard walked pass n we were
like paiseh coz we tot no phototaking was allowed!. haha,
in e end, only flash photography wasnt allowed!. Lol... Lol...
after that we sat outside LCC n decided where to go next.
decide to go to Langkawi Fair [i think thats e name haha] :)
L: bounce!. C: Mcd!. R: saw more Baskin Robbins!. hahaha :)
there was a Levi's sale n i wanted this lovely pair of shoes, but
e smallest size was 40 -_-" im a small girl, i need small shoes!.
:( i dont understand whats e problem, it's not that they're that
small!. i mean fellow HottIeShorty Liyana's is ard size 4!. -_-"
haha in e end Hot Nabs also didnt buy e pants -_-" RAWR!.
after that my ska8r senses kicked in, so we dropped by this
this 'lil skate shop, i think it's... cute!. ;D ^^ it's just a cute
'lil shop with a cute graffiti backdrop n a bike for display X)
i dno how to say, just cute!. HAHAHA ^^ was browsing thru
e rack of shirts [what else?. haha] n Hot Nabs pointed out to
me e one n only GreenDay shirt so i grabbed n hugged it!.
Lol... Lol... then e ShopMat incharge started playing Gday songs
back to back!. Lol... Lol... at 1st i tot it's just coincidence, but
there was 1pt where a mly song started playing n he like
quickly blasted Know Your Enemy!. i missed my poster!.
Lol... Lol... then he pitifully said to his friend that he wants e
whole Breakdown album!. haha after that he continued reading
Naruto before i came n disturb2 him ;D shirts were RM29.90 each,
but he lemme hv em for RM27 each!. :D total was RM81 n he n
kinda said it as "lappuluh satu" n i laughed n he got paiseh rofl XD
i asked if we cld get it for RM80 n he agreed!. YEZZAH!~
presenting,... another cute dude who knows me as a Greendaynista!.
Lol... Lol... others inclds this dude who i approached to ask where
he got his Green Day tee shirt, n iaccidentally said"Green Tee" instd,
so he was like... "oh, 7-11 uh!." HAHAHAHAHAH XD then i
laughed until i got hiccups n asked me if that was why i
wanted to get green tea, n if i wanted some of his rofl XD -_-"
another [basket]case was even funnier!. Lol... Lol...
i was happily walking along Orchard Rd,
when this busker ahpek with a guitar suddenly started
playing n singing Wake Me Up When September Ends!. XD
rofl so we all started laughing n i was like "ROCK ON, UNCLE!!!~ \m/"
L: Hot Nabs's!. R: i love my "Green Tee"!. XD hahaha YEZZAH!~
e words "GREEN DAY" on my tee is actually in gold glitter!. 8D
BLINGREEN DAY!. haahaha Green Day i love you rock on \m/ haha ;)
my most worthy purchases of e day!. :D
L: Langcreamo Supremewi!. :D \m/
C: Green Day tee shirt!. :D \m/
R: 4 cans of Lipton Ice Lemon Tea!. :D \m/
it's awesome what retail therapy can do!. :D
after that Hot Nabs n i trashed HotParent's rm n we watched
e vlog!. HAHAHA Hot Im's part were really damn funny!. XD
NOW we know what he's always looking at!. HAHAHAHAH XD
n of coz, my part of e vlog was clearly mine :) MOTS: ANYTHING
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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