HAHA!. i finally blogged!. i know, it's like
waaay overdue so here it is!. sorry to keep
you waiting, muuuaahh!~ ;) btw!. i wont be
performing on 28 June 2008 after all, will
blog abt it later :) okay go read ald!. X)
went online n chatted abt Green Day to some
random dudes rofl X) n!. i've finally finished
re-setting e stuff of e other inside computer!. :)
L: i realized that we hv a computer mic!. ;)
haha anw, most of e HotSaids mysteriously
disappeared, leaving Hot Nabs n i at hm.
C: was fungry so i cooked this noodles thing!. :D
R: 2 CPUS r betta than 1!. Lol... Lol... -_-"
also!. i realized that Hot Didi got 100% for
my fbk quiz!. [Ref: @adivaisafemalehustler!.]
i mentioned that ima give GOODIE'ZZATIBAG
[an E'zzati Said goodiebag] to e 1st person
who gets 100% right, so yeah!. im now in e
midst of putting somein tgt, so... beware!. ;)
*mon 8june
MRTed!. so i was like enthu!, walking2 ard [aka sesat] e
circle line XD eventually found my way out n internally
i was like *holy tone* HAAA!~ rofl XD anw, i realized that
it's not really very useful coz i 410[w]s to sch, so if i
walk it out from circle line, i kinda hv to walk back!. -_-"
otw to 410[w]bstop bumpercars!. met HottIes Liyana so
we walked to sch tgt :) today we only had DSG class!. :D
aftersch HottIes Fir was walking behind HottIes Liyana n i,
so i sang "i walk a lonely rd!~" then we convinced him to
go lunchize with us!. :D otw we were like complaining in
our amazing voice how we almost got hit by a car this
morn, n e most likely excuse decided on was that we
were "too small to be seen"!. Lol... Lol... -_-" X)
wanted to KFCized but it was fullhouse so we LJSized :)
decisionmaker was HottIes Khairi, who joined us later X)
at LJS they played Friday, Im In Love!. Lol... Lol... i
was like dancing alone!~ so sad nobody join me rofl XD
anw, HottIes Liyana bout e Giant Golden Nugget thingy!.
okay lemme spoil it by telling you e secret!. it's
actually e chicken sausage patty!. e one thats on e
bfast menu!. it's just dipped in e batter n fried X)
while eating HottIes Liyana suggested that "they shld
really come up with somein new", "coz you see all same
color" rofl!. XD so i replied "haha matching what!."
"they wna color-coordinate ar!~" Lol... Lol...
L: i love e LEDlights sign!. Lol... Lol... ^^
slept at 0400 today!. was bored so i doodled on
some toycar haha X) woke at 1100, changed n was all
prepared for school but i reslept with my uniform on -_-"
had this weird dream abt meeting some HottItes on
a bridge n we were like happily chatting away when
in real life im not even sure whoth they r X)
took bus to sch n bumpercars into Hot Nabs+friends :)
IEP!. HottIte Ms Nair is course'd up agn. was supposed
to accompany HottIes Coach D "audition" for bdmntn n
i brought my clothes n everything but in e end i
didnt go -_-" met Hot Mum at AMKTC Mcd. while buying
upsized n there were no free cup, so i was like
*in a pitiful tone* "asal?!~" -_-" also!. finally
tried out e new deluxe chocolate frappe :)
L [green arrow]: tak perlu ckp dua kali!. haha -_-"
C: "love whole thigh"!. Lol... Lol... im starting
to think that Mcd has weird packaging rofl X)
shop2, spoiled myself courtesy of Hot Mum's $ XP
purse from F.L.Y!. haha i like packaging!. X)
anw, i was kinda wanting [kinda only] it, then
e person said it's a Kproduct n Hot Mum kept
gg on abt how it'll "last long", so i did!. 8D
i love it now!. i love how there's like squares
of different patterns [inspiring what haha X)],
n it's real leather so there's like different
textures n everything!. also there's like a
usual compartment for e basic stuff n also a
semi-secret one!. Lol... Lol... X) YEZZAH!~
L: silverbackpack2 from Zinc!. haha im not really
a fan of zinc coz they're a biter of designs,
but wtv. a bag i like mean a bag i want X) anw!, e
salesbabe was also a cute shawty rofl XD so yeah.
joke ard n stuff as if i knew her X) -_-" R: she
even drew a smileyface on my membership card!. :D
i dont know what i was tryna capture, but i
loved my new purchases today!. Lol... Lol...
silverbackpack2 is very comfy btw X)
went online for awhile n dimelo?!. im sure you've
experienced chatting with others n when you ask
for somein, they'll reply "5 dollarss... heee.."
or somein liddat?!. so yeah my what i'd usually
reply is "$5?. so cheap hahahaha"!. X) it's been
happening for quite awhile n someimes i'd get
really creative/funny/lame responses!. 1 example,
is that it's cheap coz of reccession [rofl -_-"]
but my fav is this!. asked for a kinda anti-govt
song, n e dude replied n actually said that it's
"subsidise by government oready.." so yeah rofl XD
MRTed agn!. -_-" anw!, today we gotta know that
HottIes Coach D was chosen to be e official
F1correspondent at centralwerkz!. Lol... Lol...
haha he also showed me his "magic" hp!. -_-" haha
after that i suddenly emo-ly said "long time nv
go for sw." n he was like "LAST WK JUST HV!."
so i was like oh yah, n he said his trdmrk
"this girl ar!~" Lol... Lol... XD
CL: HottIes Poo's bag!. cute or what!~ rofl XD
CR: "exactly. exactly~ exactly!." rofl XD
R: after that HottIes Fir had a whiteboard
marker so we played some Guess E Sketch thingy.
i got e last one right!. Lol... Lol... ;)
aftrsch HottIes Resi played a prank on
HottIes Liyana using her hphone, n altho we
knew it was him we all blamed HottIes Poo n for
a minute, it was actually believable!. rofl XD
L: saw this poster of poster designing competition,
wanted to try out then we saw 1 part where it said
"Calling all WANNABE DESIGNERS" so we were like
wth sarcastic or what!~ in e end we didnt rofl XD
R: KFCized!. got matching meals agn, all those
with green smileyface r mine :) anw!. question of
e day. HottIes Tj at e girls: wld you consider
yourself to be independent?. E'zzati Said: no ar,
more like loner :) -_-" *everyone laughs*
Lol... Lol... really what!~ i walk lonely rds!. X)
LD!. there was cake today!. i cut it into 'lil
pieces n it was so funny!. Ldottie Skye came early
today [surprise!. haha] n he took like a whole
bunch of e 'lil pieces!. Lol... Lol... while
eating somein funny happened!. hahhahahaahha
Ldottie Kelly was like browsing songs in e cd n she
asked why when she press e next button e radio plays
e previous song, n i was like "YOU HOLD E REMOTE
TERBALIK WHAT!~" rofl!. XD Lol... Lol... after
that learnt more of e routine, dancedancedance :D
at e end of e session i was kinda damn pissed off
abt somein, n i wanted to walk a lonely rd but
they all followed me so yeah rofl XD -_-"
forgot to bring my specs!. :( took a full MRT,
only to still end up late, n to rmb that for
IEP HottIte Ms Nair is course'd up -_-" LPD!.
we got to know our marks range n then were
released at 1020!. so we went to bfast at LJS!.
L: botak tree!. Lol... Lol... X)
after that we went up, n no one was playing so
i played!. XD let's consider Player 2 [computer]
to be a dude. rd 1 i pretend2 bimbo press X n
O button only let him win :) after that rd 2 i
just attack, dont give him chance :D rd 3 he
actually very power so i just keep attacking
him so that he wont hv time to use his powers
on me!. haha gd fight tho, cute loser :D
KO!. 8D surprised that HottIes Coach D managed
to capture this rofl XD so yeah i won!. :D
there was a "next stage", but nvm next time :)
L: HottIes Coach D "eh E'zzati actually wear
uniform cannot play" rofl!. XD haahhaha
wtv e deed is done rofl XD hahahahhaa
N: HAUNTED!~ Lol... Lol... -_-"
L: HottIes Liyana "eh E'zzati!. your fav topic!~"
Lol... Lol... -_-" R: hope it works!. :)
after that we went to BisHottIteLib n dimelo!.
BPW stuff r up!. XD as usual, asked em to guess
which is mine n HottIes Fir was e 1st to know X)
L1: tried Guitar Geek!. Lol... Lol... then
HottIes Sufiyan suddenly yelled "e'zzati!.
im gg into your rstrt!.", so i switched :) R1: i
created a table for 2, then i realized it's
useless -_-" L2: so i created this "IT" table in
e middle, 1 facing e window, n e other facing e
chef :D R2: im finally Lvl 4!. Lol... Lol... :)
forgot to bring my specs agn!. LPD was cancelled,
so yeah. reached sch n there wasnt really "class",
which was like fnck!. i was damn pissed i didnt
really talk to anyone coz i scared i vent it out
at em -_-" seriously!. only like... 7 HottIes were
in class!. reached at ard 1, n ended at 2!. wth!,
but some HottIes managed to drag it to 1430 so yeah.
RAWR!. today was HottIes Khairi's grp event day!.
i didnt went, n i feel kinda bad abt it :( also!,
no i feel biased if i go for e other HottIes's
events. anw!. gotta give em credit for their speed!.
hope their event went well n they had a gd time :D
at night Hottie Zureena n i came up with a
random "devious" plan, initiated by me X) -_-"
MOTS: I'M STRONG, BABY!. ;D Cheers!. \m/ TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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