this is my life on holiday!, or not!. :)
right i know many ppl hv been waiting for
sch holidays coz they hv outing or slacking
plans, but i think ima do e opposite!. ima
either be staying in or working out!. :D
Project IEP!. okay some HottItes hv ald
executed their events!. so yeah :) also!.
Project DSG!. :D Ref: iseeyoulookingatme!. as
we all know, my dungeon computer is spoilt, so
im kinda in a mini-depression!. HV TO REDESIGN!.
it's not like i mind, but i dont hv AI3 at hm,
so i gotta find a way to get it so that i can
work on it at home during e holidays. i actually
tot of 13 design concepts, but to date i still
hv no idea what to do for e final work!. :)
Project LD!. :D im actually damn excited!. 8)
Emergency Preparedness+Family Day thingy!.
at Bishan Active, $2/ticket!. :D uhhuh uhhuh!.
ive nv performed for LD [ever!.], n it's gna
be a public perf, new routine n all!~ :D
uhhuh uhhuh!. no pressure whatsoever ;D
*mon 1june
dimelo!. last sat, Ch 5 re-aired Contender Asia!. :D
this motivates me to go for SW n exercise during
e upcoming holidays!. XD otw to sch bumpercars!.
L: Singapore Arts Festival arts en e move was at
Bishan Mrt!. Hodman Dodmanott & Sally Forth was
there taking pictures with ppl n all :) SW2!. :)
6rds warmup, then bdmntd!. got purpleracket back!. :D
dimelo!. got to know that theres no more sw till
next term!. :( so we were e last to leave [agn :)]
after that i was so hungry i bought Mee Soto with
extra chicken+2 cans of chrysanthemum tea!. [L]
R: n i managed to finish everything!. :D
aftersch HottIes Resi noticed that i was wearing
e new sch uniform guys pants n he asked if it's
"FIREPROOF"!. so i replied "i dno i nv tried :)"
rofl XD otw out a car suddenly passed by n
HottIte Mr Sam was inside so HottIes Coach D n
i were walking out n he asked for a ride!. rofl XD
THANKS HOTTITE MR SAM!. :D after that we went to
mcd to eat n i bought MiloMcFlur+Oreo cookies!. :D
waiting for bus i got bored!. -_-"
L: i got attacked when i reached hm!. -_-"
R: i tot they were pretty!. Lol... Lol...
i love e turquoise ones hahahhahaha ;)
no LPD so sch starts at 1000 with DSG!. :D
ive made my decision to change my event name
to SE'ZZARIROCKS!. :D BRK!. after eating we
waited at e foyer for e next class n kinda
disturbed e ppl ard us!. Lol... Lol... :)
L: i ate this at brk n e rice look heartshape :)
R: HottIte Ms Nair showed us some examples of
event collaterals n there was this retro event
n they gave out projector slides!. cool or what :)
after that HottIes Poo suddenly started being
shyiok sendiri n was like daaaancing!. rofl XD
then he caught us watching n stopped haha :) -_-"
woke up late so skipped sch -_-" went out earlier
to get my specs!. Lol... Lol... i still rmb when
i wanted to buy it!. e dude was like "what design
you want?." so i ask back ar "what design you got?."
then he showed me e way to e back of e store n
took out A WHOLE BOX of new arrivals for me to
choose from!. XD Lol... Lol... i am VVVIP!. XD ;)
i picked 2!. e 1st one is a sleek 'lil shiny red pair,
n e 2nd is a solid black one which i sorta liked but
it looked very typical geek wnabe. i tried em n he
said it's up to me coz i look gd in both!. XD -_-"
in e end i decided not to get any of e 2 n i actually
asked him if he had anymore designs!. Lol... Lol...
then i dno, he like dig2 n TADAH!~ okay he didnt
say TADAH, but he showed me this design which
comes in 3 colors n i was like hell yeah!. :D
he's not gay so he shld know :) i love it!. :D
n it kinda matches my purse!. Lol... Lol... ;)
reached sch ard 3+ n was a 'lil self conscious ;)
so i took some pHOTos to get comfy with my new
look :) i dno why i posed so actcutely tho :)
yah, i know. i was so cute i even annoyed myself!. ;)
dancedance, got more info on e perf, n also got
some useful feedback on myself. so yeah gotta
work on it before showtime :D I CAN DO IT!. :D
N: hahaa btw we ended later than usual, n e sch
had a totally different feel to it!. :) anw, i
realized that Ldottie Skye takes e same bstop as
me so yeah chatted abt dance n more dance :)
n duh, my HotSpecs r on e display!. YEZZAH!~ :D
after that Hot Dzul were otw down, so i decided
to follow him!. L: while waiting i decided to
take a pHOTo of him!. :) then he also wanted to
do e same for me so i lent him my hphone n he
refused to snap until i smile like him!. [C] :)
R: he was actually dancing there n cheering
"YOU MUST RUN!~" for me coz i got myself into
a 'lil sprint race with Hot Im hahahahha :)
PR V!. Sagitarrius won!. ;) Scorpio was nice :)
haha chatted with Hottie Zureena while watching
n she came up with e term for my new look!. :)
presenting... "DESIGNERD!." :D hahah cldnt hv
put it betta :) THANKS HOTTIES ZUREENA!. :D
entered A301 n suddenly HottIes Stanley asked
if i "got join singapore idol or not!~" hahaha X)
haha ppl hv been asking me that since mths ago!.
okay you're gna get e answer straight from me...
I DIDNT!. :D mwhahaha usually after that they'll
ask me if i joined Anugerah instd!. DIDNT ALSO!. :D
anw!. today was e F1 GP Briefing session!. classes
were cancelled for e day for us HottIes :) got to
know i'd be a registrationista [haha] for e day, n
im happy with it!. THANKS HOTTIES for putting me
there rofl ;) was kinda fun!, did random stuff like
say somein to post on HottIes Nat's twitter, n went
thru e lists to check out what interesting names
existed!. Lol... Lol... XD i even lied to 1 dude,
after he signed he asked if it's for F1, so i said
"no ar, matchmaking session :)" n he was like
"can also :D" haha X) n yeah everytime i
semi-flirt HottIes Liyana wld smack me!. rofl XD
HottIte Suria was late so she went in with us
HottIes in e evm slot!. :) EVMROCKS!. \m/ ;D
Briefing was quite cool, it was more fun then i
expected?. haha funny too :) n!. e video was like
damn motivating!. haha they even played it as an
intro+outro for our briefing hahahaha :) motivated!.
L: EVM IS E NEW ORANGE!. ;) [inside story :)] after
that we got our brk n since it's 2hrs i ate n ate
until i was so full i wanted to puke out everything!.
n yeah!. i managed to convince HottIes Coach D to
treat me free icecream!. hahahaa [R] THANKS!. :D
after that there was still time so we went to e
Auditori n HottIes Stanley asked me to dance, then
HottIes Raynard played Wondergirl's Nobody n asked
me to do a live cover version so i went there for
fun XD then suddenly e rest came n i was shocked coz
i tot it was e tchers!. Lol... Lol... overall it was
kinda funny i hope no one knows what happened hahaha X)
then it was back to humidity [foyer] for e next batch
to register :) as e day got by e crowd was kinda
getting boring!. some of em saw their name n went
"eh got my name!." so i was like "haha yeah duh" :)
n 1 dude saw his name n said that im a stalker so
internally i was like "WTF I HV STALKEE STANDARDS!."
i really do!. XD but all hopes wasnt lost tho, there
were some ppl who referred to e sticker as "entry
button" so i was like "BUTTON?!" haha i'll consider
that as fashiontalk rofl XD there were also a few
cute left handed guys!. overall our duty was kinda
easy except for e fact that some ppl who came down
n wasnt on e list n i felt sooo bad coz i had to
kinda reject em?. in e end i just let em watch e
briefing coz HottIte Ms Nair said can rofl X) also
partly coz everytime we didnt know we just asked em
to go to HottIes Resi?. so he was like e main dude :)
but i tot it was kinda cool?. i've nv met so many
ppl n went thru such long lists of names!. haha :D
there were even some that also had aphrostophes!. ;)
aphrostophes rule!. XD at night i went online for
a 'lil bit n Ldottie Sys [haha] had a mysterious
pm so i kpo2 then she changed it to "ezzati and
depp are enemies"!. Lol... Lol... XD i also asked
LDjottie Sylvest to admit that he's scared of me n
he said "Hahaha bear ooh scary :x"!. Lol... Lol...
THIS MADE ME CRY!. :"( bummermuch!. n worse of all,
i actually know how to fix it!. it's at e back of
my mind but i cant rmb dammit!. RAWRRARRRARR!. :(
410[w]ed to sch n saw Ldottie Kelly walking out so
i called her n asked her to stop -_-" so yeah walked
at e pvmnt n passed by HottIes Resi, Poo, Farah n
Shima, then Liyana X) so yeah took e cd then walked
back :) LPD!. after that IEP was cancelled n lab
was occupied so DSG was 1400 to 1500 :) most of e
HottIes went for Blaze Camp so only HottIes Liyana,
Resi n i were left so went to cteen!. :D chatted,
then DSGed :) otw outta sch HottIes Raynard was
walking out with us so i asked him "what present
guys like?." n he replied instantly [without
hesitation or tot] "you wrap yourself :)" -_-"
hahah but i think it's true?. Lol... Lol... after
that HottIes Liyana asked him where he stayed n
he told us n added "guys that r tall live there"
-_-" since sch ended at 1500 HottIes Liyana n i
had time to shop!. haha okay, so we wld've gone
shopping anw :D while shopping at Juncti8n saw
this!. it was kinda cool coz e games were life
sized, so i felt really giant for once rofl XD
so yeah shopped ard, HottIes Liyana found a
bday cadeau for her mum n i found a bday cadeau
for Hot Mimi!. :D L1: i bought this then i tot
it looked kinda boring so i L2 happened :D after
putting it back into e plastic [R1] i tot it
looked kinda boring so i decided to wrap it with
confusing plastic wrapper rofl XD in e end i was
like "err... i hope she like bears!." rofl XD
otw hm i treated myself to an OCIB!. :D
reached hm, changed cabbed to Hot Cik Amit's castle :)
watched some tv while waiting n it was kinda cool
coz they changed e channel logos to green color as
a sign of support for Saving Gaia :) L1: curtains of
an ECH household rofl XD n e PhutDeliveryDude arrived!.
L2: event decorations of an ECH household rofl XD
R: ECH stools in e bckgrd XD n yeah, it's a HOTDOT!. XD
camwhored while waiting!. i like e L pHoto coz my
L eye kinda looked smaller!. Lol... Lol... kinda
cacat in a way that i liked rofl XD R: i was actually
imitating someone's pose!. [inside story] rofl XD
Lol... Lol... saw Hot Didi's cute Korean flag!. ;)
L: Hot Didi "hey za, there's a fan in e pHOTo" XD
C: saranghae padamu!. ;D R: I AM... SINGAKOREAN!. :D
L: there was a biiig bowl of noodles!. rofl XD
R: i love Hot Didi's phone!. e base even lights up
when you pick up n e sounds r nice!. i want!. ;)
after that we hid in a rm to suprise Hot Mimi n
it was kinda difficult coz i cant stop giggling!.
Lol... Lol... so when we went out it wasnt as
surprising!. Lol... Lol... well it's e tot that
counts rofl XD so yeah we started eating n eating :)
then Hot Didi was wearing this hairband which i
tot was cute coz i liked e buttons part!. so i
borrowed it to actcute!. Lol... Lol... X) -_-"
then decided to take some semi-emo pHOTos!. was
trying not to laugh coz before that i just took
a "sexy pose" pHOTo with Hot Dad, suggestion
courtesy of Hot Didi rofl XD i dont really like
this pHOTos but ima just post em anw hahah :)
L: i was pressured to do an ECH-esque pose!. XD
R: Hot Didi was telling me a naughty prank!. X)
haha joking. but she was talking quite fast rofl XD
managed to kop a hairband from Hot Didi!. :D so
i borrowed her pink glasses :) n i think it
turned out rather emo-retro?. hahah wtv ;)
L, green arrow: this pose was inspired by
Hot Dad!. Lol.,. Lol... ;D coz he put his specs
on his head X) R, green arrow: i like this pHOTo
just coz i think my leg looked detached!. rofl X)
so yeah!. GET E PHOTO?! XD Lol... Lol...
at ard e last hr of our visit sitting at "E COUCH"
that was made famous by me, Hot Didi n i started
talking abt guys!. Lol... Lol... so from 1dude to
another, n suddenly both of us discovered somein
that made us started laughing!. rofl XD i laughed
till i cried!. XD i will blog abt it in e future
[PROMISE!. :D], so wait for it!. ;D otw hm we
realized that all of us had fbks, so we decided to
take grp pHOTos!. i suggested to take em in front of
e lifts coz there's more space n e lighting's kinda
brill :) cabbed back n e driver was like emphasizing
that i sealtbelt!. someimes i wonder why they r always
liddat to me!. must be some guy thing?. haha :)
GNA GET BURNED!. ;D Cheers!. \m/ TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
HAHA!. cancelled ald~ :(
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