HAHA!. be it im hving fun, emo-ing, time still pass by
very fast no matter what!. :) to make things crazier,
i hv ard 13split lives due to my fantastic time mngmt :)
n i think im getting lazy to type so much -_-" then agn,
i need my fingers workout :) HAHA daaaaaammmmnnn ;P
*mon 17Aug
hair is cooperative today!. :D L: i was reading off this dude's
comic!. XP SW!. was early, reached n it started raining :)
chatted with a 'lil bit Hot Didi n some of her cmates,
warmup, supposed to run 7rds ard BisHottIte's MPH, but
i managed to get away with doing 4.5 :) captain's ball,
HottIes were losing pretty terribly coz we just wasnt into it,
n suddenly our dear HottIesHunks came to e rescue n
joined us!. :D so we caught up n whatnot :) C: brk!. 2cans :)
R: got an Apollo biscuit from HottIes Poo!. :D hahaha
what an oldsch snack~ HAHA THANKS HOTTIES POO!. :D
DSG!. HottIes David asked if e girl silhoutte shadow is
really me -_-" haha then i asked him to show me his work
coz i still hvnt seen it, n i saw this n immediately laughed!. XD
L: if you still dno why, focus at his his color pallette there.
look at how many diff colors he used for his gradient!. ROFL XD
C: saw this at hm, think it looks kinda cute!. :) R: went to this
website n got some funny slogans!. :) was watching tv n...
E'zzati Said: wah, that guy. *Hot Im n Dad turns n look at me*
E'zzati Said: he look like e earthbender just now!. *pause*
*we all laughed* HAHAHAHA XD was reading e npaper n
instd of "sup tulang", they put tulOng instd, so Hot Im n
i both suddenly went "IT'S TOO LONG!~" [to e tune of
One Republic's Apologize] at e same time X) HAHAHA XD
L1: widget!. ;) reached sch n was at my locker when
suddenly i heard someone calling my name from behind n
i cld tell that it was really close by. i was like thinking to
myself, there wasnt anyone behind me just now so i tot
it was a ghost, but it was XLd Sylvest HAHAHA XD -_-"
DSG!. HottIes Liyana: eh E'zzati, does this look like a poster?.
E'zzati Said: ... yes :)
HottIes Liyana: coz e boys said it looks like...
E'zzati Said: magazine cover?.
HottIes Liyana: yah, but this is my magazine...
HAHAHA XD anw, she was doing a girls night event thing,
so yeah. of coz e men dont get it!. HAHAHAHAHAH XD
EPL!. R1: HottIte Ms Nair dressed Katy Perry-ish today!. :D
L2: KFCized!. :D HottIes Liyana was like saying "is this is
e one you talking abt?.", coz at 1pt she wasnt in sch so
i asked her to come back n eat KFC with me coz "i got
coupon" HAHA X) then she said that she almost got
robbed too!. HAHA XD n that she was willing to spare
40cents. imagine if it's e "Survivor" MatRep!. XD if it
was, then he wld've gotten 80cents in total rofl XD -_-"
R: SpicyLime!. smells nice :) lime slime smile :)
LN: Uniqlo's #1!. HAHA i still hv yet to get e jacket
from em :( CN: BishanStud was totally empty!. XD
RN: Pottery Making Workshop!. ;) S: HAHA!. didnt
know e BisHottIteLib had this!. X) pakat-ed with
Ld Rachel to gossip n play pranks!. ^^
L: Ld Sally's bag!. XD CR: Ld Sally's pbox, think
e boxing glove is quite cute!. X) R: i tot it looked
like e Juncti8n's bins!. HAHA wld've been funny
if someone really took it all e way from there XD
LD!. cleaned up routine, discussed2 :)
L: CALL ME~ CALL ME~ any any anytime!. ;)
samesame!. HAHA so cute :) but i still like
mine best!. :) hpink rules haha XP
woke at 8!. otw to sch Hot Dad suddenly said
"wah, sony seh~" HAHA X) Son'ezzati rules!. ^^
reached ard 930, i suddenly started sneezing n
HottIes Liyana went "oh, somebody sick!~" haha
then she was like "Mr Lendra tak ckp bye seh!~" XD
LPD!. with HottIte Mr Zaidi, he said my name as
"Air"'zzati rofl XD did some inclass creative
thinking exercise with this tennisball. haha :D
HottIes Liyana: so is that supposed to make us
feel creative?. E'zzati Said: yay, creative!~ HAHA -_-"
L: $2 briyani :) cant finish, chicken was too spicy
for me, n... it lacked papadum :) HottIes Liyana was
like "i was so confident that you cld finish it", then
we randomly say MCR's Cemetery Drive ^^
C: i bought another can :) R: TVXQ!. haha -_-"
L2: HottIes Raynard's bday present for David!. XD
L1: inside StudHub someone had written "MY
so i borrowed HottIes Fir's marker n wrote
"i *hearshape*" n also "GREENDAY WAS HERE!." XD
DSG!. e "sikitness" of e attendance was surprising :)
some left early coz there was a bness talk that
HottIes Liyana n i didnt know abt. aftersch i bought
lotsa snacks n e auntie went "nah, your biiig bag!~"
HAHA XD while walking a dude was taking a picture
of somein n HottIes David went "eh E'zzati that guy
like you!~ your phone got how much memory uh?.
take picture here take picture there~" XD learnt a
VERY IMPT USEFUL LOVABLE quote today :D shall
live by it as of... now!. ;) THANKS QUESTCREW!. :D
almost missed an 88bus, bumpercars into
HottIes David at BishanInt, so we 410[w]ed :)
L: i know it just looks like a patch of wet grass but
there's actually a 'lil frog innit!. i asked HottIes David if
he thinks it'll turned into a prince if i kissed it, n he
pointed out that it might turned into a "'lil prince" so
i changed my mind rofl XD reached n HottIes Colin was
like showing this jersey that he was gna give David as
a bday present coz David's always wearing e same
jersey!. so cute!. HAHA X) LPD!. C: Apollo 13!. :D
e HottIes Hunks commentary on e movie was more
entertaining than e movie itself HAHAHAHA XD
R: so i stayed in e BisHottIte Library!. :)
i'm back!. since i didnt come for e previous session
when they made their own pottery so i just took a
readymade one :) L1: got a round bowl, but managed
to switch to a square one :D R1: under e bowl it was
quite cute, e words "clay cove" was written innit n
"ITE" was stamped[?.] innit so it turned out looking
like it was engraved!. :D L2: tot that this hexagonbowl
was nice too!. :D R2: Ld Kelly's n HottIte Racheal's!. X)
we had to paint 2coats for all sides except e base,
n it had to be distinct or else e colors r gna mix when
being heated[?. dont know what e real term is haha X)]
L1: i decided to draw Screamo Supremo in e middle n
just finish of e internal sides with stripes of colors :D
L2+L2+R1+R2: decided to do some sorta Tim Burton
Corpse Bride's swirls for e external sides :D R3: e paint
upon air exposure will dry up n be like chalk, n this
happened to my pants why i clean forgot n put my
hands at my thighs XD -_-" at e end of e session
i asked if i cld hv my previous batik pieces n it
wasnt there!. HAHAHA i had a gd internal thinking
mmt of where it might end up HAHAHA X)
intended to go for e next class but was cancelled so
i went for SDO session!. L1: "no clothes" tho rofl XD
[inside joke X)] otw outta sch chatted with 1of e
cteen mkciks haha X) went to Nvn to meet up with
Hot Mum, Gmum, Nabs n Im :D R1: Burger Princess!. X)
L2: lousy marketing, yummy choc sundae n fries,
overpriced :) R2: Big Top Lolipops!. HAHAHA ;)
N: bought more socks!. :D Hot Nabs took e left one
tho, n i lost e right one :( n yeah. STUPID
COZ IT WAS SOLD OUT -_-" but wtv, anw haha,
bought this!. [S] :D 1 is missing, so i bought 2 of e
same kind with intentions to give to Hottie Zrn but
it seemed like i wasnt gna meet her by e time it
expires so i just took it for myself HAHAHA XD
L: look at Hot Im's face at e bottom left corner!. XD
C: too fast to be caught on camera!. :D
R: okay maybe not that fast -_-"
L: theres a cute story behind this!. X)
*Hot Dzul barges into my rm, call me out n stands beside this wall*
E'zzati Said: this one you draw izzit?. :)
Hot Dzul: dzul: yes!. *proudly traces it using his finger*
i didnt snitch to HotParents abt it coz it's sooo cute that he's
ald tagging his name in my castle's wall!. XD a few days later
Hot Parents found out n was a 'lil bit mad at me for not
telling him off or informing em, Hot Nabs n she said she
didnt knew i was so "influential" [-_-"] but overall i had
quite a laugh!. HAHA XD at night Hot Dzul counted 1to10 in
Spanish n he taught us e stuff he made up from 7to10 rofl XD
Hot Im on Cafe Latte: since 1997!~ ;) fastbreak!. C: only one ;)
R: chicrice!. n juicy red not-hot-tho watermelon :D
fastbreak!. Hot Gmum's makes yummy noodles ;P
dammnnn i still got lotsa more to post :)
Cheers!. ;D TTFN!. :D
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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