yeahyeahyeah some ppl commented that my wklypost r
suuuuperrrr long so from now onwards ima breakitdown :)
it'll either be halved, or long days posted seperately. RAWR!.
woke up a bit late n my mp3 was semi-spoilt!. bummer!. so
i rtsm [=read e stupid manual] [[cheh got time huh!.]] i
wasnt early but still made it for EPL :) i cried abit otw n in
class T_T when i told HottIes Sim "Lim Square" Yilik, he just
laughed at me!. wna know why?. I DIDNT CHARGE MY MP3!.
Lol... Lol... im soo used to AAA-batt mp3s so i totally forgot!.
see!. Hot Mum, next time if you wna buy for me electronics,
bring me along!. Lol... Lol... *inside joke* THANKS MATILDA!. :D
e mmt i reached sch HottIes Sufiyan passed me a paper n
Ms Nair said "i want you to join this :)" dimelo?, there's an
elective Dance Module!. but only 20+- in e whole Ite can go.
wldnt be ultracool if i get in?!. REPRESENT BISHANISTAS!. ;D
Lol... Lol... im sooo gna tryout!. sessions r at Ite Simei tho :S
BZC we started on reports n i tot that this line is funny!.
act cute~ "Photocopier suddenly not working" Lol... Lol...
aftrsch went to AmkHub to find my backpack but sadded :(
went hm for awhile, then things got mendak so i decided to
go for a dance session in sch. met HottIes Matilda, Liyana n
Sufiyan. waited a bit for Mr Cho so camwhored. presenting:
Liyana "Halo" Ibrahim, Matilda "Nightlight[Moon]" Ho, n
E'zzati "Fireworks" Said!. Lol... Lol... session was funny!.
most of e time my face was like this: 8O or OoO or o_0"
Lol... Lol... n!. we didnt hv a radio/speakers agn. RAWR!.
so yeah basically i seperated this from e other days coz i
now realize how much I AM ATTACHED TO MUSIC N DANCE :D
which is weird, coz my family's not really into arts. hmmm.
i think Hot Mum used to be in e Brass Band n Hot Dad was
in Malay Dance?. so i think when i was born all their arts
dna pass to me so now they dont hv that's why they're not
interested?. Lol... Lol... if only Youtube was created long ago.
then i'd probably hv somein of em that i can laugh at heehee X)
ima leave you with 3 questions. think abt it n tell me k!. :D
now if she does it like this will you do it like that?.
now if she touches like this will you touch her right back?.
now if she moves like this will you move it like that?.
Love xoxoxox Nebs
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